Wednesday 12 October 2011

RESEARCH; Advertisement poster Deconstruction

Can't Be Tamed by Miley Cyrus
The bold upper case writing is done to stand out against the black background and be noticeable on the shelf. Her name is bigger than the name of the album to highlight her name as the brand. Miley Cyrus is well known for her role as Hannah Montana, an album cover like this was created to break away from that stereotype of her. This poster suggests her much more to be a sexually attractive woman rather than a young girl. It highlights her being an adult and therefore widening her target audience. Her red lips and soles of her heels are to connote confidence and boldness. This paired with her black fitted dress with slits up the sides creates a much more teasing look rather than her stereotypical 'sweet and cute' look. When this album first came out it was slated by the press for its 'provocative fashion' aimed at a young target audience. The cage Cyrus is in could suggest a bondage nature and therefore create more attention from male fans. 

Teenage Dream by Katy Perry 
Katy Perry's pink candy floss theme gives a cute, girlie touch to the cover that would attract the female audience, however, her being nude with little coverage would be aimed at the male audience. This would be an effective technique to widen the fan base. This technique is also used in car posters. The sweet like nature of the font her name is in, entices the audience by showing them something they like. The picture is pale colours which are easy on the eyes however would stand out on a shelf. The way the candy floss is shaped, it denotes that Katy Perry in a pink cloud, this could suggest the reference to 'cloud 9'. It also supports the charisma approach to celebrities. The red lipstick is again a bold statement and matches the colouring to the post production editing.

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